
What to Pack in your business luggage?

Many of my acquaintances always make me the same question: What can I carry in hand luggage? and given my experience in flights of low cost airlines I think I can respond to it.

First, depending on the company we hire low cost measures may be different, so we must be aware. Although the most famous is Ryanair 55 x 40 x 20, and has another condition, the bag should not weigh more than 10 kilos (at the airport of Hamburg – Lubeck saw as weighed on a scale, careful!).

This is very personal, so do not go into detail, but obviously always carry parts and dumb enough socks (on a rainy day to appreciate cambiártelos). Also, when I wear another pair of shoes I always use to “populate” socks. It is always advisable to carry a hand towel, we can save on accommodation where we do not have those amenities.

You should not take unnecessary things, avoid the “just in case” so feared in the run time to make the case. If you use the laptop to connect and send some e-mails may be better to do it directly from the phone, or seek some parlor. Avoid taking books with you, leave them at home to resume reading around, take up space and may not have much time to devote to reading.

Before making the suitcase, the first step is important, choose the heaviest load clothing on that day, whether coats or if the need hiking boots, jackets, pockets do not forget to bring some papel.Otro thing to consider is where you’re traveling, you will not need the same clothes to travel to Morocco in June for Scotland in December, the latter have to wear fewer clothes and winter clothes more space. In the next picture you will see ice like an X remains at room temperature without melting …!

If you travel with several people you can divide you the toilet bag, for example, you require 3-4 toothpastes, be consistent with such things.
If we travel to a paradise or where we believe may be sunny, forget not wear your sunglasses to travel, and we should not play with the health of our eyes, I always take hung, so to leave space in your suitcase for other things.

As a tip I recommend reading those elements / fluids law prohibited both the country of origin as our destination because they can requisarnos that product and / or sancionarnos.
Finally, do not forget to bring your ID or passport to travel along with the ticket, that’s the most important, but if you like memories not forget the camera!
